What does Grade-A Tree Service do?

Grade-A Tree provides tree and bush removal, tree trimming/pruning, stump grinding, and landscaping services

How long have you been in the Tree Care business?

22 years

How many people work at Grade-A Tree Care?

18 employees

What sets Grade-A Tree Care apart from others in the industry?

Grade-A cares and are very respectful. We take the time to have a conversation with our clients and grow relationships rather than looking at them like they are dollar signs. We enjoy working with our clients to make their tree and landscaping dreams come true.

What company successes or achievements is Grade-A Tree Care most proud of?

Grade-A Tree Care continues to grow despite the size of our crews, many recognitions through our South Kansas City connections and family

What’s an interesting fact about Grade-A Tree Care people might not know?

Although we are small, we are mighty!

Is there anything else South KC businesses should know about Grade-A Tree Care?

“There’s No Worry with Grade-A!”


Grade-A Tree Care

13404 Holmes Rd. Kansas City, MO 64145

Website: https://gradeatree.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gradeatreecare/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/grade-a-tree-care-060a51189/

Main Contact: Felici Giordano