What is Fish Window Cleaning?

We are a commercial and residential window cleaning company

How many years has Fish Window Cleaning been in business?

4 years

How many employees does Fish Window have?

10 employees

What sets Fish Window Cleaning apart from others in your industry?

We are licensed, insured, bonded, uniformed, trained, and deliver reliability and satisfaction guaranteed.

What are some of your company’s successes or achievements that you are most proud of?

While we consistently provide exemplary window cleaning service, I am most proud at the routine compliments we receive stating that our cleaners are professional, courteous, and just plain very nice!

What is an interesting fact about Fish Window Cleaning that people might not know?

FISH Window Cleaning is 43 years old, has been franchised for 23 years, has 280 individually owned shops like ours, and we clean approximately $2 million in glass each week as a group!

FISH Window Cleaning
351 NW 12th Street, Blue Springs, MO 64015

Website: www.fishwindowcleaning.com/3183
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FishWindowCleaningIndependenceMO
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fishwindowclean/

Main Contact: Jim Allin
Telephone: 816-886-5390
Email: jallin@fishwindowcleaning.com